
by iz4cco

Maps & Navigation


The app to monitor the status of bridges on rivers near you.For now only the province of Modena.The bridges are presented on a map with icons indicating whether they are open closed or unknown, perhaps probably closed.Information on the state of the bridges is collected directly from users. The information is collected by volunteers who report whether the bridge is closed or passable. This contribution, obviously free and voluntary, is verified (... in the project) and published. If you have been good you will appear in the ranking of "The best signalers of the state of bridges".The app then becomes social and helps the whole community.**Use of GPS for locationInformation on bridge transit is collected. The information is collected anonymously and is only used to check the state of the bridge.The more transits on the monitored bridge occur, the more the status is signaled GREEN = BRIDGE OPEN.Conversely, if there are no transits, the bridge is signaled ORANGE = BRIDGE PROBABLY CLOSED.RED = BRIDGE CLOSED, it is signaled only if, in addition to the non-passage of vehicles, a notification is also collected from users.**User reports are collected only if users register with an account. The account is not published, but is collected and kept for 3 days, for the sole purpose of preventing spam.Instead, the nickname entered is published alongside the report**© OpenStreetMap ContributorsData and maps come from OSM.https://www.openstreetmap.org